GG information subcategory

Dear readers,

This section will be for Graduate Gemologists (GG) and G.I.A. students studying to become a Graduate Gemologist.  You will find relevant information regarding a gem stone identity.

Caring for all of your jewelry

Dear jewelry lovers,

In this category I want to inform you the importance of caring for all of your jewelry.  I will show you simple steps that you can do to prolong the life of your precious jewelry.

Caring for your diamond.

I will be informing you on how to keep your diamond shining with brilliance.

Testing post category – Treatments

Diamond treatments.

Testing category – Synthetic

Synthetic diamonds.

Testing post category – Imitation

Imitation diamonds.

This is a post testing category –

Cut, color, clarity & carat.

Huge diamond forfeited in Ohio to be auctioned – Yahoo! News

Huge diamond forfeited in Ohio to be auctioned – Yahoo! News.