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What’s the rush?!

Why rush through life and miss an important moment.  Take a breather and enjoy the moment.  Enjoy that meal you’re having whether it’s a burger or a Filet Mignon and any thing else in between.  Enjoy that drink whether it’s a glass of water, beer, a cup of coffee, a glass of wine or a glass of champagne.  Taste the flavor and savor the taste and make it last.  Take that moment to enjoy your friendship, your companionship or your loved ones.  Don’t rush through life – make life happens.

This category will be about living.  Food, Fun and Travel.  And any thing else that falls in between.  This will be a Photo Gallery of things I’ve seen and done.  Living life’s moments.


GG information subcategory

Dear readers,

This section will be for Graduate Gemologists (GG) and G.I.A. students studying to become a Graduate Gemologist.  You will find relevant information regarding a gem stone identity.

Why Sapphires are not always blue.

White, green, pink, black, grey, violet, etc.  Sapphire comes in many different colors.  A rainbow of colors.  Are they treated or natural?  How can you tell?  What is a synthetic sapphire and how can you separate it from a natural sapphire or an imitation one?  HELP!!!

Help is on the way.  Stay tuned for future postings to get the answers so you can make an educated purchase.


Why are Rubies red?  How to care for your ruby jewelry?  Why is the four Cs important to Ruby?  Are there imitation Rubies?  What’s the difference between synthetic ruby, imitation ruby and natural ruby?  All of these questions will be answered in future posts.

Caring for all of your jewelry

Dear jewelry lovers,

In this category I want to inform you the importance of caring for all of your jewelry.  I will show you simple steps that you can do to prolong the life of your precious jewelry.


Dear jewelry lovers,

In this category I will be talking about Emeralds, the essentials on emeralds, how to care for your emerald jewelry(s), the importance of the four Cs on emerald, imitations, synthetic emeralds and various treatments on emeralds.

Caring for your diamond.

I will be informing you on how to keep your diamond shining with brilliance.

Designing your one-of-a-kind jewelry

What does it mean to custom design your very own jewelry.  I will be discussing the necessary steps to have your very own custom jewelry.

Rainbow of colors

In this category I will be informing you the multitude of colors in the gem world.